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Writer's pictureEmma

What’s your exercise obstacle?


No, I’m not asking you to start throwing yourself around an obstacle course any time soon (unless, of course this totally floats your exercise boat!) but today I wanted to talk about what’s stopping you from exercising!

With the new school term looming (if you haven’t little people!) and the end of summer holidays away, short breaks and long, balmy BBQs in the garden, exercise may be pretty high on your agenda!

And we all have such good intentions to start but sometimes just getting started and committing is an obstacle in itself!

Especially if you’re struggling with peri and menopausal symptoms, from aching joints to fatigue and hot flushes!

But exercise is one of your most powerful weapons against menopausal symptoms but finding the right form of exercise for you can be a challenge!


First, find your reason for wanting to workout?

We often throw ourselves in to a new goal with enthusiasm and determination but in many cases, burn out, lose interest or give up before the results appear!

So, before you get started, start by finding out your ‘WHY’

❓Are you struggling to control your menopause symptoms?

❓Have you been struggling with self-confidence, anxiety or depression?

❓Are you fatigued and would love to have more energy?

❓Do you suffer with joint aches and pains?

❓Would you like to feel lighter and more toned?

❓Would you like to improve your sleep patterns?

❓Would you like to feel fitter and stronger?

❓Do you become breathless climbing the stairs?

❓Do you want to feel more energised and agile for your family activities?

❓Do you just want to feel like you again?


If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then these are your ‘WHYS’.

This is your first step to motivating and driving you to exercise!


These will be your goals, your reasons, and allow you to take control of your path to being fitter and healthier!

Here are just a few of my top tips to help you take your WHYS and make them a veritable reasons!


We will never feel motivated or inspired to do something we don’t enjoy! So whether it’s eating better or exercising, make sure you have balance and enjoy your activities! If you gain pleasure from your exercise, you’ll feel more motivated to participate!

But similarly, if you miss a session, or have a cheeky take away, that’s ok….it’s all about balance!

That’s doesn’t mean that you’ve failed or that’s the end of your journey towards your goal! This doesn’t mean you give up!

It’s very easy to believe that we’re back to the start line if we have a blip, but that’s not true!

You enjoyed the take away, your enjoyed the glass of wine, and that’s ok, then move on, start fresh the following day and return to making positive choices for food and activity.


There’s a huge range of different workout formats from dance based classes to weight training sessions, so go crazy! Many classes offer a free trial,  so sample them, find out what you like and enjoy and you will, most definitely find the right one for you!



A third of working women are currently of menopausal age, and many of us are time poor!

So exercise is generally bottom of our list of to do’s!

Add to this, we often feel guilty for taking ‘me time’ so try maybe getting up 20 minutes earlier to do a YouTube stretch or yoga workout, swap your weekly lunch date with your partner or friend for

a pilates or jazzercise session together. We all find time to scroll through social media or watch a movie, so use that time to make a positive change for you!


This is something I hear so frequently from my clients and can be a huge obstacle for many women and in some cases, where the pain is limiting mobility and quality of life, a visit to the GP may be in need!

But in most cases, exercise can actually reduce joint aches and pain as it strengthens the supporting muscles and ligaments therefore placing less strain on the skeletal system!


Disrupted sleep, fatigue, hot flushes and all the other symptoms of menopause can all add up to reducing our motivation to exercise

As I mentioned before, we often at at t a new exercise plan with enthusiasm and good intentions, but if you have set unrealistic goals, before you even start, you’re likely to fail before you even hit the first mile!

So make your goals bite size, small, achievable steps that you can commit to and achieve!


To avoid the ‘fall at the first obstacle’ as I mentioned previously, instead of making your motivation an end goal, make it about ‘destinations’

Think of it like a train journey! Short distances that reach a destination, leading to the next!

So make your goals achievable, by making small, positive changes and being committed to them.

With consistency, a chore becomes a habit that leads to positive changes which will motivate you to continue to the next station!


Sadly, many women of menopausal age, feel that it’s too late to start, too late to make these necessary changes, this isn’t the case!

Did you know that heart disease is one of the biggest causes of death among post menopausal

No matter your age, where you’re starting from or how unfit you think you are, there’s no better time than the present to start!

We all have to start somewhere!

Remember when you first started in your job, you had to take baby steps, start slowly, learn as you went along. This is no different!

Start….just start, start slowly, start gradually, but start, because your body, mind and menopause will thank you for it!

If you’re struggled to find your exercise why, then I can help…get in touch!

🌍 www.themenopausementor. com

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