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Writer's pictureEmma


Updated: Sep 16


And why measuring your body is the best way to monitor your progress for menopause inch loss instead of weighing yourself!

I’ve had so many clients start working with me, who have told me that they weigh themselves regularly (some even do it every day) and the unhealthy relationship they have developed with their bathroom scales.

And I go on to explain why, measuring is a far better way to monitor progress rather than weighing.

Here’s a perfect example, two photos of me at the same weight but different measurements

In the first photo, I weigh 9st 11lbs….my waist measurement is 65cm and my muscle mass was around 72% and my body fat was 16% (I was prepped for a modelling shoot so ‘shredded’)

In the second photo, I weigh 9st 11lbs….. my waist measurement is 78cm, my muscle mass was around 65% and my body fat was my non prep, comfortable 24%

And here’s why!

Your weight can fluctuate daily based on a multitude of things, from when you weigh yourself, where you are on your menstrual cycle (if you’re still having periods), water retention, increase in muscle mass, if you’ve consumed too much salt, if you haven’t been to the toilet and cleared your bowels, using different scales, using scales that aren’t calibrated (home bathroom scales can fluctuate up to several lbs either way if they’re not calibrated every time you use them) lifestyle changes, medication, changes in eating habits, poor sleep, reduction in activity….and these are just some of the possible reasons why your weight may go up or down.

So weighing yourself is not a good way to track your progress!

Whereas, when you measure yourself, you can monitor your progress more accurately.

The first photo of me, (and below is one of the photos from my many modelling shoots for which I had to achieve a eye low body fat percentage, dehydrate to allow muscle definition to be more prominent and follow a very strict and rigorous training and nutrition plan) and I stress this to all my clients, is NOT sustainable over a long period of time. It’s takes a lot of hard work and commitment and isn’t a healthy long term body composition.

I was following a rigid and intense training program and my nutrition was extremely strict

Although this body image is often considered ‘a healthy physique’ in many fitness adverts and publications, I know I am healthier in the second photo. I am still fit and eating well, but embracing my feminine curves, without pushing myself to excessive levels to achieve a physique for a photo shoot.

I’ve posted the two photos of me, as it clearly depicts the difference between weighing and measuring

A big fitness misconception is that Muscle weighs more than fat?


5lbs of Muscle weighs the same as 5lbs of fat....they are both 5lbs!

The difference is that fat takes up more space in the body as muscle is denser, so uses up less space.

You also CAN’T TURN FAT IN TO MUSCLE….if your PT says this, run for the hills….fast!

Fat and muscle are two totally different substances! It’s like saying you can turn water in to wine! It’s impossible!

But you can reduce fat and build muscle!

Muscles are tight, striated fibres similar to elastic bands, where as fat is jelly like, retains no real form or shape. A little like kids play slime!

So when your friend says "I've lost weight" thats ok, and by all means, congratulate them BUT when they say "I've lost cms!" “My clothes are losser” “my muscle mass has grown!” Then, really congratulate them as this is truly awesome progress!

It means they're building lean muscle, burning fat and becoming fitter and healthier!

By eating a clean, healthy diet, burning fat, being active and building lean muscle, you will get fitter, reduce body fat, reduce size and look amazing!

So if you’re wanting to chart your progress, get some clothes that feel a bit snug and see if they become looser over a few weeks of training and good nutrition, or get the tape measure out….but please….DUMP THOSE SCALES!!

Weighing yourself only makes you feel defeated when the number goes up, but a tape measure never lies! I promise!

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